Harvest diary 2022

Harvest diary 2022

We have finished harvesting our grapes a few days ago and inside the winery the wort, now wine, changes flavour every day.
For the first time we have harvested a new entry, Nerello Mascalese! We’ll share more about this soon enough.

New projects are starting to see the light here at Winery, between new limited edition labels and grapes we planted last year and that we are harvesting for the first time.
No spoiler though, stay tuned to find out more.


Le olive vengono raccolte
The “scutulata” or harvesting olives in Sicilian dialect

Last monday we started picking olives. The olive trees in our groove have been full for days, and were definitely ready.
We pick olives by hand, just like we do with grapes, in order to select and preserve the fruits in the best possible way. Specifically, our harvest is done with electic combs to facilitate their collection. This method is called “pettinatura”, which is Italian for combing

Olives are then transferred into bins appropriate for their transport.
And so the journey towards milling begins, and just after a few hours we are able to taste the new golden juice, ready to spice up the dishes of our two Chefs, or to be sampled with plain just-out-of-the-oven bread (you need to do “scarpetta”, of course).

You can now also pre-order the new Olive Oil!
To find out more please contact us  info@cantinedegregorio.it.

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