December 25th at the Winery: our Christmas menù is revealed

December 25th at the Winery: our Christmas menù is revealed

Here we go: the start of December officially opened the Holiday season.
And so it begins: the planning of family reunions, setting up the Christmas tree, taking out board games and, why not, stocking up on wines to offer to your friends.

We have planned ahead and we already talked about Cantine De Gregorio’s plans for this Holiday season, and here is the first stop.

Menù del 25 Dicembre
Our Chef’s Christmas Menù


But if you want to stay in the City and stroll around the main square, Piazza A. Scandaliato, Chef Calogero will welcome you with the most incredible delicacies:

Il menù dello Chef Calogero per Natale
Our Chef Calogero’s Christmas Menu

The price is €50.
Keep following us for the next stop!

Info & booking: 0925 99 12 99


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